Saturday, September 18, 2010

Interview With Death

Mike: It should be better if we begin, don't you think?

You're right, I'm so exited, it doesn't happen everyday to interview Death.

Mike: Usually once.

What's the question you're asked more?

Mike: "How much is this one?". Obviously my catalogue is the best provided. I work as God commands.

So you do believe in God?

Mike: Till he pays my salary, I'd say yes... Let's face it, being emplyed by God is a certainty, his business is so reliable, it can't fail. More over he supplies you these wonderful shythe-pens. Do you want some?

Oh, thanks. We're really enthusiastic that you accepted our proposal to realize a comic-stripe on your job. How did you convinced yourself to?

Mike: Free advertising. You do not have any ideas about how much competition there is in this field. Hades, Pluto... For humans that's not a simple choice. Generally speaking the shythe-pen makes the difference. Which is absolutely better than a snake plush or a key ring.

I will take advantage of your position as God's employee, and ask you what everyone is curious to know. How's God?

Mike: That's still impossible to say. We're all waiting for the election results.

Wow, this a scoop! I did not know he was encharged! I hope we'll have some more news. Let's continue the interview. This blog will contain many other works, as well as Whellchome, how do you feel about sharing this blog with other productions?

Mike: If the authors get famous I'll be famous as well. That's good. You know... I don't want to kid myself, but once in my, ehm... life? People could be happy to meet me.

There could be a day in which you'll sign autographs, not just receipts. Ahahah.

Mike: Not everyone is brave enaugh to laugh in my presence.

I think you should get used to that, Mike, today we'll start publishing. And to celebrate here's for you our special gift. The official Whellchome carpet!

Mike: Great... it will make me feel better when I come home from work. Woah, I think I'm late. My client won't regret it... but maybe my employer does.

Thanks Mike, you've been so helpful. I don't know what to say, I don't think "hope to see you soon" does suite well.

Mike: ..."see you" should work fine.

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